It continues with our article about positive money affirmations that work fast. Read our inspiring article and boost your financial life!
Table of Contents:
- Law of Attraction Money
- How to Boost Your Financial Life and Bring Money Abundance
- Tips for Building Wealth Abundance
- 11 Abundance Affirmations for Financial Freedom
- How to Attract Money Instantly
Law of Attraction Money
Live your life as you have all that you want. Think like a rich person. Imagine that you have absolutely everything you want. How do you feel in this condition? How does your behavior change?
Let Yourself Become Rich
The main issue is that money increases your responsibility. There are two different situations: 1). when you have 1000$ in your pocket 2). when you have 1$ million in your house. If you have 1$ million now, what would you do? If you earn 1$ million every month, how will you invest it? You can buy shares for 1 million. Then, you start thinking about the future world crisis, covid-19, the new president, etc. You can’t be sure you will keep this money for a while. What if robbers steal all the money from your house?
When you have a lot of money, you have to live with many risks. You can invest it in Tesla today and become ten times richer tomorrow or lose half of the invested amount.
You need to boost your financial level step by step. From 1000$ to 10000$, 100 000$ and then 1 million dollars. If you win a lottery today, you will need to figure out what to do with this money and will lose it.
Enjoy Your Life
Learn to give yourself small joys. It can be not only a material thing. Just spend time with your family instead of watching a series. Go on vacation every half of the year. Go to the sea or the ocean every year. It is essential for your feelings.
Do what you have always wanted to do. For example, go to the gym or swimming pool. Go hiking with friends, fishing, hunting, moving to a better house, or attending business courses.
Find a way to be positive and enjoy your life. It is the simplest law. Do only what gives you joy as often as possible. Happiness and joy reshape your world and bring you more happiness, pleasure, and joy. Of course, the reverse is also true. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate dissatisfaction, fear, anger, and other negative emotions.
Whatever you have now, be grateful for it. If you know how to be grateful, you will get much more. When you think you don’t have enough, it attracts poverty. When you are grateful for all that you have, you attract wealth.

How to Boost Your Financial Life and Bring Money Abundance
The emergency has led to a drop in the income of many families. 60% of Americans can’t pay an unexpected 1000$ expense. So, most people don’t have any savings. As a result, people should use credit cards. What will happen in case of unexpected expenses of 10000$ or even 50000$?
Your relatives can get into trouble for you. You have to be positive and be ready for negative things. If you’re ready for bad times, you will always live in good times.
Start Budget Spreadsheet
Most families rely on memory to keep track of their finances. You can record all expenses or plan your budget. You have to plan everything. For example, you need a warm coat in winter 2022/2022. That’s why you need to plan this expense for January 2022. You can buy everything you need; create an expense plan. Include 10% for unexpected expenses for each month. Create family savings. If you earn 50000$ for a year, at the end of the year, your family funds should have 5000$, which is 10% of your yearly income.
Count and plan all expenses, and spend money only on things which you need.
Pay for all Outstanding Invoices
Write all outstanding invoices (amount, due date, interest, and penalties). Draw up a repayment schedule and first pay the bills that charge the highest interest or have the closest due date. If invoices pile up, contact the company that issued the invoice to negotiate a new payment plan. You have to close all consumer debts. Rich people don’t pay restaurant or food bills with credit cards. You can use credit only when it’s profitable, like a house or car debt. Avoid consumer debts. If you are short of cash, do not take out new loans. Both quick and consumer loans require new and higher costs in the form of fees and interest.
Open Savings Account and Pay to Yourself
You have to save 10% of your monthly income. You should “pay yourself” with this monies. It will not make your life less comfortable. It will help you be confident in the future and become rich. When you have money, you attract more money and wealth. 100$ per month is 1200$ per year and 12000$ per 10 years. When you receive your salary, always pay yourself first.
Develop Your Finance Skills
You should learn new technologies and skills every few months. As soon as you stop learning, you stop increasing your growth. If you learn new technologies and skills, read more books and visit courses, you will increase your income in the future. No matter if you work as an entrepreneur, developer, or simple manager. Use abundance affirmations from this article to develop your financial confidence!

Tips for Building Wealth Abundance
Use Cash
Take as much cash as you need. If you need 50$ per day, take it in cash. Don’t add a card to your Apple Wallet or Google pay; leave your credit card home. Credit cards are a reason for impulsive purchases. If you need more money for the day, take it in cash. Always take as much as you need. Don’t take any more. Enjoy Life, not Shopping
Combine Abundance Affirmations and Sport
When you work out in the gym, you develop your body, increase brain activity and improve blood circulation. Go to the gym, and play basketball, tennis, or other active sport instead of going to the nightclub or drinking alcohol. Spend time with family in nature instead of drinking with friends. Be active every day!
Be Open to Wealth and Abundance
Opportunities are everywhere; learn to see them. Expand your business thinking, and create new ideas. It would help if you accepted the signs of money you encounter at every step. If you find an opportunity — use it. Say: “Yes” to money.

11 Abundance Affirmations for Financial Freedom
- Wealth is an important part of my life.
- I can overcome any financial obstacles on my way.
- I want more money. And that’s normal.
- It’s easy for me to prosper and succeed.
- My life is fulfilled with health and wealth.
- Affluence and wealth are coming, I accept it.
- My income exceeds my expenses.
- I deserve to be paid for my skills, time, knowledge, and experience.
- My income continues to grow.
- I choose to live a rich and fulfilling life.
- I am smart, talented, and gifted.
How to Attract Money Instantly
To improve your financial situation, you need to change your attitude toward money. Wealth magic works when we do everything correctly and magically change our ordinary world. Money is a bundle of energy, an unformed substance that requires the utmost attention and respect. Abundance affirmations are what you need to attract money!
How do you reject money with your thoughts and words? Stop thinking, “I can never buy such a big house” – replace it with, “I will buy such a house, and I will have enough money to fulfill my dreams.” But it is not enough to say – you have to visualize the image of the new house and feel house comfort. Close your eyes and imagine. Avoid envy of other people. Remember: Money Attracts More Money.
As a result, make financial decisions only in the first part of the day. Don’t buy expensive new things after 6 pm. Think about it at night, and decide in the morning.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.