Quote is an exact, word-for-word excerpt from a text or statement, from a phrase or simple sentence to an imposing passage of text. The main rule of any quotation is that it has a specific author. It is true that when we use a particular expression, unfortunately, we may not remember or not know at all who first uttered it. Today, quotes are especially appropriate as short statuses in various social networks.
In addition, quotes on personal growth from various works of art help to form some idea about them – for example, it is possible to get interested in a new motivation book or movie by reading a couple of self-improvement quotes from it. It is also interesting to refresh your memory of favourite moments, for which sometimes it is enough to read just a couple of lines. Here are the best 11 inspirational quotes about personal growth, that can bring great changes in and around you.
- “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”– Mark Twain
- “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”– John F. Kennedy
- “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.»– Theodore Roosevelt
- “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”– Mother Teresa
- “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”– Thomas A. Edison

Importance of Personal Growth Quotes
To decide to change your life and start not just to dream, but also to act, people use personal growth quotes. Quotations for personal growth are a type of information that has a high intellectual density. They always give a lot of food for thought. You could say that it is information in its purest form. Smart, beautiful sayings and words make life better, and brighter, helping to gather your thoughts. If you know a lot of quotes, you can apply them appropriately to the situation. Quotes about personal growth and success every day, given by famous people, will help you to look at your own life from another point of view. Perhaps, it would help you to understand and appreciate the events that have happened to you. In any case, they will lift your spirits and help you accept any situation whether is it good or bad.

The variety of the use of quotes on personal growth enriches the structure of language, making a speech lively, vivid and memorable. However, they should not be used too often, as it leads to impersonal speech, depriving the statement of the author’s meaning. Change can be wonderful or it can be frightening. Either way, we learn and grow through them. If you’re feeling anxious about life change, open this collection of quotes about personal growth for encouragement and inspiration. Personal growth quotes serve to reinforce one’s statements, giving them special significance. Sometimes we all don’t want so much, but a motivation and supportive words.
- Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”— Benjamin Franklin
- “Whoever is happy will make others happy too.”— Anne Frank
- “Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.”— Oscar Wilde
- “Life is trying things to see if they work.”— Ray Bradbury
- “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”— Winston S. Churchill

How to Use Personal Growth Quotes?
Elegant quotes on personal growth will help to create a good impression when making acquaintances, to shine with wit, here you will always find a good option to please yourself and your loved ones. Some romantics are afraid to admit their feelings. Clever words will help to encourage indecisive people, and suggest a competent way out of a difficult situation.
The best inspirational quotes about the personal growth of famous people who have earned authority are something that will come in handy in everyday life for every modern person. Sometimes it is necessary to make a serious decision, but people are not sure what to do. To make the right choice, you can read life sayings that have proven to be relevant over the years.
Quotes about personal growth and observations can broaden the horizons, advantageously enrich the vocabulary, and impress acquaintances. Intelligent thoughts will never lose their relevance. A beautiful quote on personal growth can teach you to rejoice, admire and smile. The main goal is to rid the reader of negative thoughts and to show that there is always a way out of a difficult situation. Nice words can be a great excuse to make a new acquaintance, surprise a stranger, or create a worthy impression. Quotes help to tune in the right way, let go of trouble, opening the door to good emotions, prosperity and light. We wish you good luck and only positive trends in life! And of course, we wish you to find and use your inspirational quotes about personal growth. Visit our great article about Best 18 Alice in Wonderland Quotes.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.