Regular strength training is great! Muscle hypertrophy increases metabolic rate and many other benefits which we regularly write about. And what about a banal exercise? How to start working out in the morning? How will it be and to whom? What are the best exercises to choose for your morning workout routine? Breathing, stretching, and strength exercises will help you fully wake up. We will talk about all this today.

Why do you need to do a morning workout?
Firstly, physical exercises improve blood circulation, and the brain gets more oxygen and starts to work at full capacity. As a result, attention, concentration, and memory are increased. Only 10 minutes of morning exercises improve the cognitive ability of the brain by up to 14%.
To stay in good physical shape
Secondly, exercises on an empty stomach accelerate the oxidation of fats for the whole day after the morning workout. Moreover, they also increase insulin sensitivity, a hormone that plays a major role in maintaining a normal weight. That’s why it is so necessary to make at least an easy morning workout routine your favorite habit!
To increase your mood
Thirdly, and most importantly, exercises improve well-being and help to fight stress.
The best news is that you don’t need special equipment, and you can easily do a quick morning workout at home
What does the morning exercise routine consist of?
Three parts:
- Warming up. Breathing and a couple of exercises right in bed will help you to open your eyes wide.
- Soft stretching. It will pleasantly undo the body that has been frozen after sleep.
- Simple morning exercises with the weight of your own body. They will help warm your muscles, accelerate blood circulation, and finally wake you up.
How to warm up in bed?

Exercise for flat belly “Vacuum” can be performed standing, sitting, or even lying down. The last option is easier than the others. But you can still pay attention to the technique of its execution. If you have not done this exercise before, it is enough to keep your stomach drawn for 10 seconds at first. Gradually increase this time to 30-40 seconds. It is a must-have exercise for your morning workout routine.
Glute Bridge
Fold your knees and put your feet on the bed. Put your hands along the body. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, and strain the buttocks. Lower and repeat two more times.
Lift your legs
Place your legs bent, as in the previous exercise. You can stretch your arms over your head or leave them along the body. Raise one leg as far up as you can. Remember that you should feel a slight tension, not pain. Lower one leg and lift the other. Repeat three times for each. After that, sit on the bed, take three more deep breaths, and exhale with belly inflation. Now you can stand up and start the second part.
Stretching for your morning workout routine
All exercises are performed gently and smoothly, without jerks and strong pressure. Now is not the time to set records – pleasant muscle tension is quite enough.
Extension with arms raised
Let’s start with one of the best workout positions. Stand up straight, put your legs together, raise your hands above your head, and put your palms together. As you breathe, stretch the buttocks, stretch up, and bend back into the chest area. Hold the posture for a couple of seconds to stretch the muscles well.

Forward tilt
Bend forward on an exhalation, do not bend your knees. Make three springy movements, each time slightly deepening the tilt. Do not try to reach the floor, and the main thing is to gently pull the muscles, not to set a record for the depth of tilt.

Deep lunge forward
Take a few steps with your hands on the floor as far as you lie down. Place your right foot next to the inside of your right hand, straighten your left knee, and place your foot on the cushion. Make three spring movements while deepening the posture.

Side Angle Pose With Rotation
Turn the body to the right and pull your right hand into the ceiling without going out of the drop. Your chest should look at the wall to your right. Hold the pose for 3-5 seconds and return to the original position.

Downward-Facing Dog
Stand at the bottom of the bed, give the pelvis up, take the heels off the floor, bend your knees and stretch your arms and back in one line. You can straighten your knees and put the heels on the floor if the stretch allows. But the back must remain straight – this is the main condition for proper execution. Spend 3-5 seconds in a position. Return to lying down again from this position, repeat the deep fall from the left leg and turn the body to the left side. Then, take the dog’s face-down position for another 3-5 seconds.

Cat-cow pose and turn to the side
Stand on all fours, bend the back arch and lower your head. Then bend in the opposite direction, keep the neck in a neutral position, and do not throw your head. Perform three cycles of bending and extension of the back. Turn the body to the right, leave the left leg on the knee and the right leg to pull out. Point your right hand towards the wall behind your head. The arm, body, and leg should be stretched in one line. Spend 3-5 seconds in position.

Go back on all fours, do three exercises of the cat-cow, and repeat the left turn.
Child’s pose
Sit on your heels, bend over, lie down with your stomach between your hips and stretch your arms forward. Relax for a few seconds.

Deep squatting
Lift the body, spread your shins wider, put your feet on the cushions, put the pelvis back, and go out into a deep squat. Keep your back straight, put your hands in front of you and turn your knees to the sides. The squat should be as deep as you can to keep your back straight. Make three spring movements in this position and go up.

Top power exercises for the best morning workout routine
The morning complex consists of 10 exercises. The last one is breathing. Rest between them for no more than 10 seconds. You can set a timer or count on yourself.
Isometric squats against the wall
Approach the wall, lean your back on it, and squat to parallel the hips with the floor. The angle of the knee should be 90 degrees. Fold your hands in front of you. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
Touching shoulders on the plank
Stand at the base of the bed, raise your right hand, and touch the left shoulder. Return it to the floor and repeat the same for your left hand – touch the right shoulder and lower it back. Make ten times for each side.

V-Sit Hold
Sit on the floor, straighten your back, lift your knees and bent legs, and keep your shins parallel to the floor. Hands are stretched along the body at the knee level. Hold the position for 20 seconds.

Knees and socks a little turn to the side, keep your back straight, and squat to the parallel hips with the floor or below. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Push-up is in the classic version or from the knees. During the exercise, point your elbows back, not to the sides. Tighten the buttocks to keep the back straight and not bend in the lower back. At the lower point, touch the floor by the chest. Do 10-15 push-ups.

Bicycle on your back
Lie on the back, put your hands behind your head, and lumbar spine pressed to the floor. Lift your straight legs to a height of about 30 cm from the floor. Pull up your right knee, and at the same time, turn the body to the right and stretch your left elbow to the right knee. Repeat the same thing for the other side. Pull your knees toward you, making a circular motion as if you are pedaling a bike. Wait to lower your feet to the floor until the end of the exercise. Make 20 movements.

Squat Jumps
Place your feet on the width of your shoulders, and turn your knees and socks to the sides. Make a squat to the parallel hips with the floor or below, jump up and fall back down. Do it 20 times.
Stand at the point of the bed, fall on the floor, and touch your chest and hips. Climb back at the point-blank range of the bed, put your legs to your hands with a jump, and straighten up and jump up, slamming your hands above your head. If you’re having a hard time, do not fall on the floor: make ten burpees.
Mountain Climber
Stand at the top of the bed, pull one knee to the chest, and then change legs with a jump. Try to keep the pelvis in one position so it does not move when changing the legs. Perform it 20 times.

Sit on the floor with a straight back, and put your feet as you like: sit on the heels or fold them in Turkish. Make ten breathing cycles by inflating the abdomen. Take a deep breath and exhale completely, concentrating as much as possible on the exercise. Also, you can close your eyes. That’s all. The exercise for your morning workout routines at home is over. Let it become a permanent part of your morning, and every day will start cheerfully and in a great mood.
In conclusion, this morning’s workout for men and women will be equally useful. You can take your time, do all the exercises under control and with the right technique, listen to your body, and, as always, do the exercises only by your physical preparation. But remember any morning workout routine will not help you to feel good in the morning if you have not slept much or, even worse, have not slept all the time. The best morning exercises are the ones that are performed regularly and without shirking off! We wish you to be healthy and happy.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.