Most cities have a shortage of antiseptics due to the coronavirus epidemic and quarantine in the world. In the city’s first three pharmacies, we found only one antiseptic solution, and the price was almost twice as high as usual. So we have decided to do homemade antiseptic and test the action of the product.
Ingredients for antiseptic
The World Health Organization advises using the antiseptic after proper handwashing to completely kill dangerous bacteria. Preparing the product at home is also possible- for this, you need to get medical components. According to WHO recommendations, there are two prescriptions for the preparation of the antiseptic:
- Ethanol 96%;
- Hydrogen peroxide 3%;
- Glycerol 98%;
- Sterile distilled or boiled cold water;
- Isopropyl alcohol 99.8%;
- Hydrogen peroxide 3%;
- Glycerol 98%;
- Sterile distilled or boiled cold water.
Homemade antiseptic
Our prescription should be taken more as a guide to preparing a first-aid antiseptic from any improvised means. It will be useful for people who live in remote areas of cities or for those who, for some reason, cannot go to a pharmacy on their own. Hydrogen peroxide has been replaced by Chlorhexidine, which is similar in properties. Isopropyl alcohol or Ethanol was very difficult to find. We’ve found some at home in the first-aid kit, so you can replace it with an alcoholic drink with a high concentration of alcohol, such as Gin or Absinthe (medics recommend at least 70%).

Glycerin, which softens the skin of the hands, is a similar situation – we didn’t find it in pharmacies. According to recommendations from the Internet, glycerin can be replaced with essential oil – shea oil or jojoba. We used the most suitable available vegetable oil – olive oil. You also need distilled (purified) water or chilled boiled water to prepare the antiseptic at home.
We mixed it for the sample:
- One spoon of water;
- Five spoons of Ethanol;
- Five drops of olive oil;
- Five grams of Chlorhexidine.
- For some recipes, add a teaspoon of aloe juice.
Mix all the ingredients one by one, pour the mixture into a closed glass or plastic container and leave to stand for 72 hours. The homemade hand sanitizer is ready for use. After rubbing, the oil remains on the hands, which should be rubbed well, but no sharp smell of alcohol can be heard.

Recipe of antiseptic solution from WHO
The recommended prescription for the home antiseptic from WHO:
- Pour the alcohol for making the antiseptic solution into a large bottle or container up to a graduated mark.
- Add hydrogen peroxide using a beaker.
- Add glycerine using beakers. Because glycerin has high adhesive (bonding) properties to glass, the beaker should be rinsed with sterile distilled or chilled boiled water, and then pour the beaker contents into the bottle/pot.
- Then pour sterile distilled or chilled boiled water into the bottle/pot to the 10-liter mark.
- To prevent evaporation of the antiseptic solution, the container/bottle should be immediately closed with a cap or screw cap.
- The solution should then be stirred by shaking it slightly, if possible, or using a spatula.
- Immediately pour the antiseptic solution into the final product containers (e.g., 500 ml or 100 ml plastic vials) and quarantine these vials for 72 hours before use. This will allow time to destroy spore forms of microorganisms in alcohol or reusable/reusable vials. This simple recipe of antiseptic solution can save lives, or we hope at least will keep your mind clear and nerves calm. Follow all recommendations from WHO, or just read our blog about how to define coronavirus and protect your family. Wash your hands frequently, don’t forget to maintain social distancing, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, stay informed, and remember that we will win that disease if we all stand together and support each other, no matter what.
Mix 1/2 cup of bleach per gallon of water or two tablespoons of bleach per quart of water. Mix ⅔ cups of bleach per gallon of water or four teaspoons of bleach per quart. Precautions when using bleach: the higher the concentration, the higher the bactericidal effect and the shorter the contact time.
Chloroxylenol, Alcohol, Isopropyl alcohol, Povidone-iodine, Bensetonium chloride, and Benzalkonium chloride.
Fungicides and disinfectants contain chemicals called biocides. Hydrogen peroxide is an example of a component common to fungicides and preservatives. However, preservatives usually contain lower concentrations of biocides than fungicides.
Chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, and isopropyl alcohol are the three most commonly used topical disinfectants. Isopropyl alcohol has the highest antibacterial effect but is flammable and has also caused fires in the operating room.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.