When you want to read any book and search in google questions like:” what book should I read?” or “what to read next?” — come back to this list and choose the best for you! It is the best book to read before you die!

Losing My Virginity
It is the autobiography ofRichard Branson. RaiseTwice was created by 2 different persons to share their inspiration with others. This book inspired me to start a business and create this website. It is a remarkable story about a young guy who suffers from dyslexia. Richard started from a small magazine “Student” and created one of the most popular brands nowadays! He became one of the most successful British entrepreneurs, the founder of Virgin Group Corporation. Virgin group suffered from a few financial crises, dirty games from British Airways, and many other failures. The first edition was published in 1998.
The book describes the path of a man from a poor family. He eventually becomes one of the most successful and influential businessmen in Britain and around the world. In 2005, the second edition of the book was published in hardcover and paperback. The new edition is complemented by the latest developments, including the impact of the September 11, 2001 events on the work of Virgin Atlantic.
In 1985, he tried to get the Atlantic Blue Ribbon for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. His first attempt on a Virgin Atlantic Challenger catamaran caused the catamaran to crack in British waters. The ship’s crew was rescued by a British Royal Air Forces helicopter. In 1986, on his ship the Virgin Atlantic Challenger II, he broke the world record by travelling two hours faster. A year later, his Virgin Atlantic Flyer hot gas balloon crossed the Atlantic. It was the largest (2.3 million cubic feet – 65,000 m³)hot gas balloon and the first one to cross the Atlantic. It had a speed of 130 miles per hour (209 km/h).
In January 1991, Branson crossed the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Arctic Canada at 6,700 miles (10,800 km) in a 2.6 million cubic feet (74,000 m³) hot gas balloon. In doing so, he broke the world record by setting a new one at 245 miles per hour (392 km/h). Can you even imagine such a high speed?
Between 1995 and 1998, Per Lindstrand and Steve Fossett attempted to fly around the globe in a balloon. At the end of 1998, they flew from Morocco to Hawaii, setting a new record but were unable to make a full flight around the globe before Bertrand Picard and Brian Jones did so in their Breitling Orbiter 3 in March 1999.
In March 2004, Branson set the record for the fastest intersection of the Channel in amphibian cars, sailing from Dover to Calais in 1 hour 40 minutes and 6 seconds on the Gibbs Aquada. The previous record, 6 hours, set by two Frenchmen.
He became a billionaire at the same time as setting these world records. It is an incredible story! This book is a must-read for everyone who dreams about founding their own company. It is one of the books everyone should read before die!

When I was 19 years old, this book destroyed my imagination. It broke all the stereotypes and standard opinions. Orwell’s book is amazing! It is a fantastic part of this books list to read.
“Everything in town looked colourless – except for the posters all over the place. From every visible angle, the face of a black man was looking. From the house across the street, too. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU,” the signature said, and the dark eyes looked into Winston’s eyes…
The last novel “1984” by the cult British writer George Orwell was released in 1949 – a year before his death. It had a frenzied popularity in England and the United States, was translated into more than sixty languages, has been repeatedly screened.
“1984” by Orwell is an expression of mood and a warning. The mood that it expresses is very close to despair for the future of man. If the course of history does not change, people around the world will lose their most human qualities. People will turn into callous machines and will not even suspect it.
A kind of antipode of the second great dystopia of the XX century – “On the wonderful new world” Aldous Huxley. In fact, is scarier: the “consumer society” brought to the absurdity – of the “society of ideas” brought to the absoluteness?
According to Orwell, there’s nothing more terrible than total unfreedom… Nowadays, it is one of the best books to read before you die!

Books by Andrzej Sapkovsky from the cycle “Witcher” – eight novels about witcher Geralt of Rivia. Novel about his friends and lovers. Novel is about his hard “work” to exterminate all evil, about a world, inhabited by elves, dwarves, werewolves, dragons, and of course, people – are known all over the world.
The saga of Andrzej Sapkovsky has long occupied an honorable place in my heart. Geralt has become a cult character not only in the world of literature, but in the universe of computer games. Based on the plot of books about Geralt, a television series was filmed.
The protagonist of the book series is Geralt of Rivia, a witcher – a fighter of monsters that threaten people. As a child parents gave him to witches who took Geralt to the old fortress Kaer Morchen He was subjected to mutations that increased the speed of his reactions, endurance, resistance to poisons, and diseases. He is well-known by several nicknames: Gwynbleidd – “White Wolf” in Eldest, Whitehead Witcher, as well as Butcher of Blaviken.
Professional killer
The main goal of the Geralt of Rivia is to destroy dangerous monsters for money. Then, in his life appear a little girl named Ciri. As a result of intrigues of kings and magicians, the witcher came into the epicentre of confrontation between the Northern kingdoms and the mighty southern empire of Nilfgaard. Geralt tries to save the young Ciri from both, but the princess of the kingdom of Zintra is destroyed by the Nilfgaards. Each faction, be it the rulers of Nordling, the Emperor of Nilfgaard, or the Capitulum of the Wizards, has its plans for Ciri. The witcher doesn’t like it at all.
One of the Best Books to Read Before You Die
He’s willing to protect the girl in the only way he knows how – by killing her enemies. To top it all off, Geralt is trying to figure out his controversial relationship with the witch Yennefer. The timid feelings of these two may not survive when the notorious “state interests” and “higher goals” enter the arena.

Rich Dad Poor Dad
This story is about a man, who brought up by two fathers: a biological and a spiritual father. Robert’s birth father was a scientist, held the views of socialism, he acted as a poor father. The author called the father of his childhood friend the rich dad. He taugh the boys from an early age to earn and develop their financial intelligence. Throughout the book, Robert compared his fathers. The rich dad from whom he learned how to behave so to the poor who did not need the things he could not afford.
The first thing Robert Kiyosaki explains to the reader is the еdifference between poor and rich. In his opinion, “The poor and the middle-class work for money. The rich make money working for themselves”. To understand how money should work for a person, you’ve to divide expenses into assets and liabilities and clearly understand the difference between them. Liabilities are mortgage payments, consumer loans, and credit cards… these are the expenses that do not bring you any additional income beyond the basic one. Assets, in their own time, are those that bring money into your “pocket”. When it comes to real estate – shares, bonds, promissory notes, intellectual property – the cash flow of a wealthy person goes as follows: the expenses go into the asset column, thus providing and creating additional income.
The middle-class has to constantly struggle with financial difficulties because their main item of income is their salary. As salaries increase, taxes also increase. Such people consider their own house as their main asset. In the opinion of the author, this judgment is erroneous because it is better to spend money on investments that bring an income than to buy a house. Robert does not say buying a house is not necessary. He just wants people not to make a big emphasis on their property. “The rich acquire assets, and the poor and middle classes are liabilities that they consider assets.
What matters is not how much money you make, but how much you can save. This is one of the most important aspects of financial literacy. People have come into a huge inheritance from a distant relative who does not always become rich, or even tied up in debt after their money runs out, as they get used to high expenses. The important difference is that wealthy people buy luxury goods in the last place and poor people in the first place.
The most important secret of the rich is corporations. They are the ones who help not to give large sums of money to the state as taxes. The owners of corporations earn money first. Then, they spend it and only in the end pay taxes. Their expenses are recorded as expenses of the corporation. At the same time, people working for corporations earn money, pay taxes, and only then do they spend money on themselves. Employees receive money, pay taxes, and try to live off what is left of them. Robert tells the reader that the majority of the people who pay tax to the state are poor and middle class. The biggest amount is paid by the top of education, i.e. professors, doctors… like his poor dad. Anyway, people who can earn will always find a legal way not to pay extra money to the state.
There are 5 main reasons that prevent people from creating large cash flows: fear, laziness, disbelief in their own strength, bad habits, arrogance.
The author of the book asks us to see the opportunities around us and to consciously take deliberate risks. Some people take more pain from the loss of money than from the joy of wealth. This fear of loss distinguishes the poor from the rich. If you see that your work does not bring you pleasure or good money — you shouldn’t afraid to leave and do something completely new. “A change in a prospective job may be unjustified in terms of financial gain, but in the end, the skills you get will bring you much more money. After all, in our world upstairs, it’s not smart, but the brave who are chosen.”
But first you’ve to gain experience to have financial intelligence. That’s why, Robert advises young people not to choose work based on salary, but on what they can learn. It is best to work in completely different fields. The more you already specialize, the more risk to work for a small salary. Be open to new ideas, because “gold is everywhere, just not all people have learned to notice it.”
I enjoyed this book because I’m interested in the topic of self-actualization in terms of career. Robert gives a lot of practical and spiritual advice to those people who want to manage their own lives. The author lays the foundation with the help of this book for the development of financial intelligence, makes you think about the difference in the availability of money between different people, and proves to us that everything is possible. The most important thing is to find a reason, because “without a good reason or a clear goal, everything in life becomes difficult.”

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Sometimes it just happens so, that you want to read a book, but your mind is not ready to understand it in depth. Years pass by, and people who are not afraid of picking this book up again may be able to read between the lines, and this time fully understand the author’s ideas.
Reading modern prose, such as “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling or “Twilight” by S. Mayer, one day is often enough to ‘devour’ the whole book. This novel does not have such a “possibility” – my body has long rejected it as “food for thought,”. Although I appreciate the books that I need to think about. Despite this, it is worth reading: perhaps not for the first time. For the second, its meaning will open up to you as the door of an expensive store to an honorary client.
The story is being told on behalf of the Indian Bromden, although the main character is still the newly sick McMurphy who changed the entire “Combine regime” of the madhouse. Not afraid of the confident and cruel “sister of mercy” Miss Gnussen. He is in full swing changing her long-established order, bringing life to her department, and giving his patients the confidence and desire to change their lives.
The story is being told not by McMurphy, the main character, but by some Indians pretending to be deaf. Bromden, as one of those sick people already lost reality. He begins to find it when this redheaded hooligan “Mac” appears, like the others. Furthermore, the changes that McMurphy has brought can only be seen by someone who has changed and found themselves again thanks to him. Beyond that, the Indian has a power that he has completely forgotten. In my opinion, influenced the outcome of the book – for this reason, the story is not told on behalf of the new settlers of the madhouse.
Reading this book, a person who lost the taste of life can find it. A very weak human at such moments needs their own “McMurphy”. McMurphy will break the stereotypes and give a chance to change everything. He will give faith that is possible to break the “system”. It is a book with random meaning for everyone.
What I liked is the book’s vividness, but I was saddened by its hopelessness. The topic of confrontation between man and system reminded me of “1984”, though this book is more optimistic. It also recalled the “Spark of Life,” in which hope helped the human wreckage to survive. Whether they were able to become human again went beyond the novel. Here I, as a reader, hope for the limitless possibilities of the human psyche. It is the best book to read before you die!

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.