If you think getting rid of armpit fat is impossible, let me prove the opposite. You definitely can do it, and let me show you how. It is known that many people believe that only some specific underarm fat workouts will work. Let’s talk about it. People of all ages and weights can have this unpleasant problem. It is normal not to take care of armpit fat exercises and just live your life. But if it brings you discomfort and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, you come to the right address.
What Causes Armpit Fat?
Armpit fat can appear in people of any gender but is more common in women than in men. But there are many causes of armpit fat. Here are just a few of the most common causes.
- Genetics The body’s fat distribution is largely determined by genetic factors. If you have relatives who have fat in their armpits, you may also be more prone to it.
- Hormones. Changes in estrogen and progesterone production can lead to swollen breasts. Breast tissue is sensitive to hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause. During pregnancy, prolactin, another hormone, enlarges the breasts as they prepare to produce milk. Such hormonal changes can lead to excess skin or fat in the armpit.
- Weight. If you are overweight, subcutaneous fat may be deposited in your armpits. An increase in weight can also increase the size of your breasts and armpit area. Losing weight by eating healthy can help reduce the amount of underarm fat.
- Posture. Poor posture may not cause armpit fat, but it can make it more noticeable. If your shoulders are thrown forward, and you stand up straight, it can help to reduce the appearance of excess skin under your armpits.
- Tight bras can cause the skin to bulge between the breasts and armpits. To know how to get rid of armpit fat, you must discover the reasons that influence its appearance.
How to Reduce Armpit Fat?
How to lose underarm fat? Here are a few tips to help you in this journey:
- You need to know how long does it take to lose 10 pounds to minimize your armpit fat. Remember that you will always need the next step because ,your skin won’t be in perfect shape after losing weight.
- Add sport to your life. Try to build muscle mass in your upper arms and chest wall. It will help your skin get toned after weight loss and eliminate armpit fat. Building muscle also burns calories, and it helps in your weight loss.
- Wear the right size of underwear. A new bra can help you to lose armpit fat. When you wear tight underwear, it can automatically push fat and skin on the sides of your breasts up.
- There is one more way, but we recommend you use it only if all other methods don’t work. You can ask your doctor about liposuction to remove your armpit fat. It is a common type of plastic surgery. Liposuction removes soft fatty tissue from the chosen areas of the body. Please pay attention: only the doctor can decide if it is possible to have such surgery.
Best Exercises to Get Rid of Armpit Fat
All the following exercises for underarm fat focus on the chest, shoulders, upper arms, hips, and core muscles. To work all of these muscle groups, you must use compound exercises. Here is the list of exercises:
- Pushup;
- Triceps press;
- Bench dip;
- Chest press;
- Mountain climbers;
- Armpit exercises with weights;
- Dumbbell press and swings;
- Up and down plank;
- Plank to side plank rotations.
They train several groups of muscles at the same time. Some of the exercises use weights, and some don’t. Find and choose those that will be necessary for you.
One of the most popular exercises is first on the list of arm fat exercises. Push-ups not only help reduce fat in your underarms and armpits, but also strengthen the whole of your upper body. At the same time, they involve all the main muscle groups of your body, including your upper arms, shoulders, chest, abdominals, hips, back, and legs. Instruction on how to do it:

- Lie face down on the floor;
- Assume a push-up pose;
- Slowly lower your chest while engaging your back muscles;
- Bend your elbows;
- Lift your body, balancing on your palms and toes;
- Repeat and push your body up and down;
- Let your knees bend and touch the ground.
Repeat pushups exercise 4-5 times.
Triceps Press
The triceps is a muscle located in the upper arm, and exercises that influence them are a way to lose armpit fat. You can tone this muscle in different ways. For example, triceps press:
- Take hand weight, probably kettlebells that fit in your hand;
- Hold the kettle belts and sit on a chair;
- Raise your arms above your head;
- Bend your arms at the elbows to lower the kettlebells behind your head;
- Lift the kettlebells back above your head.
Start with two sets and repeat 11-12 times in each set. Rest for about 10 seconds between sets.
Bench Dip
You can perform this exercise almost anywhere: from the edge of the couch to the workout bench at the gym. Things that will help you on your workouts to lose arm fat: an exercise bench, chair, or elevated surface. Try to repeat:

- Sit on the bench and place your hands on the bench next to your hips;
- Grasp the edge of the bench;
- Place your palms on the bench and your fingers on the edge of the bench;
- Pull your body off the bench with your knees bent and your feet together;
- Lower your body to the floor;
- Bend your arms until your upper arms are parallel to the floor;
- Use your arms to slowly rise from this position and repeat.
Repeat 10-12 times.
Chest Press
Chest press works the upper arms, chest, and shoulders. To perform it, use an exercise bench and dumbbells with free weights that fit in your hand:
- Lie on your back on the bench;
- Holding the free weights in your hands;
- Raise your elbows to the level where your body is on the bench;
- Put your upper arms in the same position as the rest of your body;
- Your lower arms will be pointing up toward the ceiling;
- Slowly raise your arms and lift the weights until your arms are almost straight;
- Do not lock your elbows in place;
- Return the kettlebells to the starting position with your arms bent and repeat.
Repeat for 8-10 times
Mountain climbers
Climbers is an armpit fat workout, that helps quickly to reduce fat in the armpits because they apply pressure to this area. This exercise combines basic and cardio exercises that target shoulders, arms, chest, and abs. As you can see, it is some kind of workout for the whole body. Here’s how you will do it:

- Stand on all fours;
- Bring your left leg up to your chest;
- Bring your right leg close to your chest.
Repeat 11-12 times for each leg.
Armpit Exercises With Weights
It is a simple exercise that targets the chest and arms. This exercise should be performed on a bench, but you can perform it by putting something under your upper back and pulling it off the floor:
- Take a single dumbbell;
- Hold it in your clenched fist up by your chest with your elbows bent;
- Lie down on the bench or the object propping your upper back off the floor;
- Brace your core and tilt your pelvis;
- Bring the dumbbell up toward the ceiling over your chest with your elbows locked out;
- Bring the dumbbell back and over your head while keeping your elbows locked out;
- Do this slowly, at least for 3 seconds;
- Slowly bring the dumbbell to the starting position above your chest.
Repeat 8-10 times per each side.
Dumbbell Press and Swings
Dumbbell press and swings mix the dumbbell press from the chest and the swings. It works the upper arm muscles and chest muscles. You will need a set of dumbbells to perform this exercise:
- Take two dumbbells;
- Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor;
- Retract your shoulder blades and grasp the dumbbells by your chest;
- Your triceps rest on the floor, and your forearms are perpendicular to the ground;
- Squeeze the dumbbells up toward your palate with your elbows straightened;
- Start lowering your arms down to your sides with your elbows relatively straight;
- When the dumbbells reach the floor, slowly perform the reverse motion and bring the dumbbells together;
- Bend your elbows to return to the starting position.
Repeat 11-12 times per each side.
Up and Down Plank
The up-and-down plank trains core stability and strengthens all the muscles in the armpit area. One more exercise in your arm fat workout:
- Stand in a forearm with your feet shoulder-width apart;
- Make sure that your core is tight, and your gluteal muscles are involved;
- Slowly move into a plank with straight arms, while extending one arm at a time;
- Proceed on slowly to minimize any side-to-side sway;
- Do not allow your hips to sag or rise into the air;
- Continue to alternate between the forearm plank and the straight arm plank with smooth control.
If the exercise is too difficult for you, try to do it from your knees. Repeat 6-7 times per each side.

Plank to Side Plank Rotations
Plank Side plank rotations will strengthen your shoulders, chest, upper back, and core muscles at the same time. Let’s start:
- Stand straight with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet shoulder-width apart;
- Keep your torso tense and your gluteal muscles involved while holding this position for 2 seconds;
- Then turn to one side, placing your feet together and shifting all your weight to one arm;
- Turn your other hand up toward your palate. Keeping your torso tense and your glutes involved;
- Hold position for 2 seconds*
- Return to the first position and repeat the side plank on the opposite side.
If the exercise is too difficult for you, try to do it from your knees. Repeat 7-8 times per each side.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.