How to start a romance novel? Only someone extraordinary can write a book. How do people do it in general? To create your work, you need a lot of knowledge, great imagination, willpower, perseverance, and, of course, the ability to express your thoughts on paper. If you have all this, it’s time to release a bestseller. We will give you some tips on how to write a romance novel.

What to write about
Good writers can only write about things that worry them most. What is bothering you personally? World evil? Undivided love? Statistics of abortion and divorce? Is it difficult to be a god? That is what you write about. Writing a real, sincere, important romance novel with a cold nose is impossible. If you do not care about anything but your person, congratulations, you are a happy man. Breathe out, and do not write at all. The world will be full of gratitude.
How to start a romance novel
Start no matter what. Don’t have enough time? Don’t have a suitable place to get some privacy? Thoughts are confused, and you don’t understand. What will the first chapter be like? Leave these excuses, sit down at any table, call it workers, and start writing a romance novel.
Many authors from the list of the best romantic novels to read write non-linearly: they start from the middle, from the end, and jump from thought to thought. This technique allows you to maintain a degree of interest and efficiency. Write what is written, and then arrange the chapters in the right order, frame them with the introduction and conclusion.
Write first, then edit
The main answer to the question of how to write a romance novel is that you must start writing. The truth is that it is necessary to start writing, giving up completely on the impulse and plunge into a state of flux, and after some time return to the written and edit. When trying to grind the text while writing, you get out of the stream’s state, losing the thought and non-standard turns. But it is much more effective to write 10 thousand characters of “unrushed” text rather than 3-4 thousand verified and weighted.

How not to get distracted
As far as possible, create the ideal conditions for writing romance novels. What helps you to write? Is it silence, white noise, or classical music? Do everything you can to ensure a perfect environment for writing.
Start a ritual for yourself. For example, Jack Kerouac lit a candle before he started, and when he finished writing, he blew it out. Lighting a candle was a signal to the brain: it is time to create. Think of a ritual that will set you up to work. You can start simultaneously or listen to your favorite music before work.
How not to abandon writing romance
Make a public statement. Tell your friends, relatives, or subscribers on social networks that you have started to write a book and have been planning to finish it by a certain date. Public commitments won’t let you relax.
Write every day. Whatever happens, whatever your mood is, write at least 20-30 minutes daily. Try to keep the chain intact. Be persistent, even if the muse has been wandering somewhere during your work. Keep on writing, designing a story, or collecting materials. The muse will start coming on time.
The volume of many books is at most 30 thousand words. If you can write 150 words in half an hour, then 30 thousand words will be written in just over 12 normal working days.
Forget about the reader
Do not try to please the target audience. Especially do not try to imagine it. Take your time writing about zombies or vampires because they are in fashion – you will not have time anyway. Nobody knows the secret of the bestseller. Write a book for yourself, exclusively for yourself. And for no one else. And it does not matter whether they publish it or not, whether they will read it or not. It does not matter. The main thing is that you are telling this story. Perhaps, then you will write a good book. And maybe you won’t.

And forget about bonuses too!
Do you want to stand on the stage with a statuette in your hands? Enroll in amateur activities. And sooner or later, the statuette (or at least a charter) will catch up with you. It is impossible to write a good book, adjusting it to the requirements of this or that award. And it seems you were going to write a good one, right?
Do not write for money
If you are interested in how to write a romance novel only because of money – you shouldn’t write either. No, I do not urge you to give manuscripts to publishers, fraternize with pirates and give books away by the subway. Just do not aim to become a rich and famous writer. First, they are a few. Second, most have become rich and famous not because they wanted to be. But because they just wanted to write the most important book for themselves. And they wrote it. Well, what is worse for you?
Where to look for inspiration writing a romance novel
And you do not need it. True. Take writing a book as a job. It can be easy and pleasant, and sometimes hard and tedious, but it’s a job, and you have to do it if you want (put the right one in) to convey your ideas, images, and romantic stories to the audience, to create a real bestseller, to make money, to become a famous author and create further…
If you write only when you have inspiration, this process may or may not last for years.
However, you can spur your brain to creativity. Try to walk more. They say that legs are the wheels of thought. Many writers came up with ideas during the walks in the fresh air. Communicate with people, listen to music, and have breakfast in your favorite café. Or maybe Does inspiration come when you do some work around the house or in the garden?
Find your best romantic stories
Also, watch the world around you. He throws stories and plots so often you have to catch them. Keep a small notebook or smartphone ready to capture the thoughts, observations, and ideas that have visited you. If you write down everything that’s happening around you, you will soon gather material for several books.
We are hopeful that you don’t hesitate now with questions on how to write a romance novel and also that we have inspired you to start writing one of the best contemporary romance novels finally. We wish you good luck and are looking forward to your masterpiece!

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.