We have listed reaction speed tests and how to improve reaction time by eating right in the previous article. We have also discussed factors that affect reaction time. Moreover, we will show the best reaction time exercise. You also can read more about best bodyweight leg exercises! The main idea of that course is maximum efficiency for less time. You need only 3 tennis balls and a smartphone to complete this course. It will take only 40 minutes of your life every day. Your reaction time will highly improve after 5 weeks. We prepared a reaction time exercises list that you can save and use as a reminder. You will know how to increase reaction time after reading this article. Get free exercises plan at the end of this article!
Reaction Time Exercises in Boxing
Time`s response is a speed characteristic. It is defined by an interval of time from the sudden start of the opponent’s movement to the beginning of your counteraction. Reactions can be simple or complex, you can even lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks after a good training. The speed of a simple reaction is determined by the interval from a sudden start of any actions of the partner (hit, move the body, movement, opening) to the beginning of its specific action (protection, hit).
What Types of Reactions do We Have?
- Complex reactions are defined by two or more signals and one or more reactions.
The sportsman`s reaction time depends on the properties and characteristics of his nervous system, temperament, level of training and psychological state at the moment. It deteriorates under the influence of fatigue and some stressogenic factors (tension, fear, depression, etc.) It also depends on the physical and technical training of a sportsman.

All kinds of reactions have the same structure:
- Signal perception (preliminary period)
- Signal awareness (basic period)
- Response (executive period)
Kind of reactions we have:
- Sensorimotor reaction
- Motor reaction
- Neutral reaction
What does the Type of Reaction Depend on?
The type of reaction depends on the focus of the athlete’s attention. If an athlete waits for a command to start an action, it is a sensory reaction. If an athlete is focused on his upcoming movies, it is a motor reaction. When an athlete has no emphasis on something, it is a neutral reaction.
Complex reactions are typical for all competitive sports. As a rule, Boxing representatives have a significant arsenal of attack techniques, defence and deception.

Boxers never know in advance how to behave at a given moment and which technique to apply, so their reactions are a choice. Such reactions also differ in speed. The speed of reaction is very important in sport. The result of a fight depends on the reaction speed. The speed of reactions can be increased with the help of special exercises for reaction time. Sportsmen should develop sensorimotor reactions. The boxer sees the opponent strikes a blow. Then, he reacts in time by some action such as a slope, a dive, leaving the line of attack, or simply breaking the distance. Everyone has a different level of reaction.
That’s why you need a strictly personal development strategy. Someone has a fast reaction from birth, someone has to do a lot of practice.

How to Improve Your Reaction Time?
The simplest method is an exercise repeated many times with an emphasis on immediate reaction. You have to develop automation in your reaction.
First of all, you need to know the right examples of reaction time exercises. Only regular practice can improve your reaction speed. Secondly, everyone needs an individualized approach. For example, some boxers have a slow reaction speed in their usual life. But they can quickly mobilize at competitions and improve their reaction time. To find inspiration, read quotes about personal growth and success. Other people show excellent speed in usual life. But their reaction becomes slower during competition time. In different situations, the same person may have different indicators that characterize the speed of reaction, the state of perception, attention, etc.
In the next section, we will list effective exercises to improve reaction time. We will start with simple exercises and continue with more complex ones.

Throwing Ball in the Wall
If you have a very slow reaction, you should start with this drill. To perform this exercise, you need a tennis ball. You need to throw the ball into the wall and catch it with the same hand. This exercise should be performed for about 10 minutes. Then, you need to change your hand. You need to throw and catch the ball with your other hand for 10 minutes. In the first week, you need to do this exercise every day. It takes only 20 minutes per day.
The second week you need to throw the ball with the left hand and catch it with the right hand.
Repeat this drill for 10 minutes. Then, change hands and repeat the exercise. This is not a difficult drill but it is quite effective for beginners. You will improve coordination, attention and interaction between the brain and extremities by doing this exercise.
We can start more interesting exercises after 2 weeks of working with a tennis ball. Before starting this training you need to be in the right initial position. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Arms are bent at the elbows and are parallel to the floor. Palms are directed upwards. Elbows are close to the sides.
Juggling With One Ball
Take one ball and throw it from one hand to another. The height of the throw is slightly above eye level. You need to throw and catch the ball at different points. You should throw the ball closer to the middle of the body and catch it from the outside of your body. After the catch, the hand makes a semi-circular movement and makes a throw.
This exercise is simple but very important because it lays the ground for juggling. Do this drill for 10 minutes for one week.

Two Tennis Balls
Now you need 2 tennis balls for this drill. You can start more complicated juggling after a 10 minutes warm-up with one ball. Take one ball in each hand. Make the throw with your right hand, according to the recommendations of the previous paragraph. When the ball reaches its maximum height, make the throw with your left hand. Catch the first ball with your left hand, then the second with your right hand. Stop. Now repeat, starting with the left hand. Concentrate on the accuracy of the throws. Repeat it for 10 minutes.

As a result, in the third week you need to do the drill with 1 ball for 10 minutes, then drill with 2 tennis balls for 10 minutes. If you feel confident enough, you can exchange balls with each hand without pauses.

Preparing for Juggling With 3 Balls
You need to take 2 balls in your right hand and one ball in your left hand. Throw one of the balls with your right hand, then make the exchange as described in the previous paragraph. When the ball reaches the highest point, make another exchange. You will end up with two balls in your left hand and one in your right hand. Repeat, starting with the left hand.
Once you have learned how to do a double exchange, consolidate the skill by practising. You should do a double exchange ten times in a row without dropping the ball. Do this drill every day for 10 minutes in your 4th week. It will be a great warm-up before real juggling!

Juggling With 3 Tennis Balls
Now you are ready for real juggling. Do everything exactly as you did in the previous lesson, but add another throw. Practice a triple exchange until you can do it ten times in a row. After that, add another throw. Then another one, then another one, and so on. Focus on the accuracy of the throws all the time. If you throw the ball correctly, it will fall in your hand. At one point you will feel confident and can juggle three balls as much as you want. Try to do this drill after warming up from the previous paragraph. Try to do it for 10 minutes after the previous drill. Do this exercise for 10 minutes on the 4th week. Then, you need to juggle for 20 minutes on the 5th week.

1 to 50 Exercise
Moreover, we’ve been talking about improving physical reactions in previous paragraphs. Now you need to work on brain reaction time. We talked about this great exercise in a previous article. You need to do this drill 10 times and record your results every day. After that, you need to do this drill for 5 weeks after physical drills. You will easily pass this test in 30-35 seconds in 5 weeks!

Tetris Effect
Furthermore, you need to be attentive, concentrate, react quickly, and include spatial thinking and coordination of movements to play tennis. The result is a thickening of the cortex, which will increase the efficiency of its work. Tennis improves your brain speed reaction time. You need to play 10 Tetris games every day for 5 weeks.

Here is your exercise plan for 5 weeks:
Week 1️⃣ |
Throwing ball in the wall and catch with the Same Hand: 10 minutes for each hand | Play 1to50 for 5 times | Play Tetris for 5 times |
Week 2️⃣ |
Throwing ball in the wall, catch with the Other Hand: 10 minutes for each hand | Play 1to50 for 7 times | Play Tetris for 7 times |
Week 3️⃣ |
Juggling with 1 ball for 10 minutes. Juggling with 2 balls for 10 minutes |
Play 1to50 for 10 times | Play Tetris for 10 times |
Week 4️⃣ |
Juggling with 2 balls for 10 minutes Juggling with 3 balls for 10 minutes |
Play 1to50 for 12 times | Play Tetris for 12 times |
Week 5️⃣ |
Juggling with 3 balls for 20 minutes | Play 1to50 for 15 times | Play Tetris for 15 times |
You can save it and use it as a reminder while completing these exercises plan!
Consequently, you will know it after 5 weeks of this course. You can measure it by using tests from our past article. By the way, you will know how to juggle like a pro and become as fast as a tiger!
Faq for Reaction Time Exercises.
The best reaction time exercises in physical fitness are juggling, tennis and Tetris.
The best drills to improve reaction time are 1to50, Tetris, Ping Pong and Juggling.
Reaction time in fitness means a lot. It helps you to be faster and stronger.
The best exercises to improve reaction time are Tennis, Juggling and Tetris.

Nina Burkovskaya is a senior content writer at Raisetwice since 2020. She has 12 years of yoga experience and 5 years experience of motivational coaching. On a free time loves to read biographies of the famous people and go for a walk with her dog.